企業管理碩士課程 / 課程優勢
英國 University College Birmingham 在港開辦企業管理碩士課程 MSc Enterprise Management,專為任何行業人士有志投身於工商管理或創業而設,入學要求為持任何學士學歷的人士申請,每年設有4個入學期,分別為2月、5月、8月及11月,彈性入學,可因應學生情況所需。
實體上課,有互動學習的機會更受僱主歡迎, 同時也可擴展人脈
學位由英國頂尖大學 University of Warwick 頒發及監管,穩取英國第9名及世界第67名頒發的大學證書
強大學術支援服務,提供 E-Library, Draft Assignment 及 English Checking 等學術支援
18 個月
HKD $115,000
※ 可申請政府擴展的免入息審查貸款 (ENLS),最長還款期為15年
Applied Masters Project
The module extends and develops your knowledge and ability in focusing upon, and preparing for, industry research. It introduces you to the disciplines of research techniques, data analysis as well as the design and execution of a research project. The project can take various forms including a traditional dissertation, generating a new enterprise start-up plan, developing a business or marketing campaign, proposing new processes/systems/products/target markets. The aim is to develop your skills and expertise in the essential research tools you will need for both successful postgraduate study and as self-employed entrepreneurs or managers of the future.
Creativity and Innovation
With the fast pace of change and uncertain times, creativity has never been more important. The aim of this module is to provide you with the practical skills and theoretical knowledge of creativity and innovation, including how to manage your own creative personality and how to drive your ideas through the organisation. You will cover the impact of rapid digital change, intensifying global competition and how creativity stems from the environment and culture of your organisation. The module will draw on theories of creativity and innovative cultures and examine the sociological and economic as well as looking at theories of the firm in relation to design and composition for innovation. You will also examine the barriers to creativity and reflect on a range of case studies that demonstrate the impact of innovation on a worldwide scale.
Leading for the Future
As the world enters the fourth industrial revolution youdon’t want to get left behind. This module focuses on a wide range of concepts that prepare you to lead an organisation through a time of rapid change and disruption. We will focus on you as an ethical leader, developing values of sustainability, well-being and flexibility for your team as well as examining how digital transformation will impact on your business and on the lives of your customers. Interconnectedness is at the heart of industry 4.0 and we will examine the rise of social enterprises and the ethical consumer and how innovations in artificial intelligence, augmented realityand robotics can improve your ventures ability to be agile and constantly evolve.
Starting and Managing a Business
The aim of this module is to provide you with the practical skills and theoretical knowledge of setting up, managing or growing your own venture. You will learn about the entrepreneurial mindset and how your own management style can influence the growth and direction of your business. You will develop a toolkit of business start-up concepts including, finance methods, business planning, market research, human resources, marketing and legal, including registering your venture. You will investigate several high profile and successful business start-ups as well as learning from businesses who got it wrong, so you don’t make the same mistakes. You will finish this module with a complete pitch deck for your new or growing venture and have the opportunity to present it to a group of venture capitalists and angel investors.
The Entrepreneurial Decision Maker
Entrepreneurs need to be great decision makers, inmany cases the buck will stop with you, and you won’t have a huge team around you to share the risk. This module teaches you about decision making theory, examines how to create a team of effective decision makers and gives you the diagnostic tools to formulate, assess, screen and reach the required outcome. You will also learn how to evaluate previous decisions, so you don’t make the same mistake twice. Finally, you will examine data sources and learn how to gather and manipulate information to reach a balanced business decision.
由於本課程原屬英國大學 University College Birmingham 的課程之一,於當地亦有開辦相同碩士課程。故此,本課程隸屬英國資歷架構的 RQF Level 7 ,屬碩士學位級別。學生於香港修讀完後,除了可參加每兩年舉辦一次的在港畢業禮之外,亦可以親身赴英國參加當地畢業禮,感受與當地學生相同的體驗。
University College Birmingham
英國 University College Birmingham (簡稱:UCB) 為一所著重實踐性學習的大學,提供一系列學士及碩士課程。為學生提供優質的課程及全方位學術支援,包括擁有堪稱全英國最好的圖書館之一,並提供廣泛的學習資源,包括電子書,期刊和其他多媒體資源。
根據2021年的National Student Survey的報告,為5所位於Birmingham的大學當中學生滿意度最高的大學
學生對教職員的評價、對課程的看法和價值觀方面,也位列英國大學前 25%
於 2022年獲得 Whatuni Student Choice Awards (WUSCA) 的年度大學及學生選擇獎,對大學於學生支援上的肯定
與英國 University of Warwick 展開新的合作關係
英國大學 University College Birmingham 與英國 University of Birmingham 完成長達25年的合作後,大學宣佈於2022年1月後頒授的大學學位,將由另一間英國羅素集團大學 University of Warwick 頒授學位,英國大學 University of Warwick 相信對香港學生並不陌生,國際知名度相當高,而且大學不論於英國或世界大學排名亦持續高企,兩間大學合作目的為當地年輕人提供更多機會,致力培養學生及發展成為多方面的專才,為學生的未來提供更多就業機會。
• 持任何學士或相等學歷;或
• 如未持有相關學歷人士,請與我們職員了解及咨詢
※ 所有錄取均由 University College Birmingham 審批及決定,個別申請將視乎情況而定
• IELTS 6.0 或以上;或
• 英語水平測試 Password Test 6.0 或以上 (申請時可免費參加乙次)
請準備以下文件,並電郵至 [email protected] 或傳送至您的專責課程顧問
• 報名費 HKD350
• 相關學歷證明
• 推薦信1封 (僱主/院校)
• 證件相1張
• 現金
• 支票抬頭至 ‘Aston Institute’
• 銀行轉賬至 ‘匯豐銀行:813-086030-001’
• PayPal (只供申請用途)
Senior Station Officer
MSc Enterprise Management
Bosco POON
Operation Manager
MSc Enterprise Management
在MSc Enterprise Management課程中,我獲得了豐富的知識和實踐經驗,幫助我在職業生涯中取得了巨大的進步。這個課程不僅提供了深入的學術學習,還注重培養實際應用能力,使我能夠在不同的商業環境中適應和創新。
Irene HO
Executive Officer
MSc Enterprise Management
為了提高自己在職場上競爭能力,經過嚴謹篩選了UCB Top Up Degree, 完成了學士課程就繼續原校升讀MSc Enterprise Management課程。十分喜歡實體上課與教學模式,不但止保證教學質素更提供互動的平台和學習的機會,頒授的大學在世界各地更享有極高的聲譽。