市場營銷管理學士課程 / 課程優勢
英國 University College Birmingham 在港開辦市場營銷管理(榮譽)學士學位(最後一年) BA (Hons) Marketing Management (Top Up),專為有志投身市場學的人士而設,入學要求為持相關學科的高級文憑或副學士或其他持同等學歷人士申請,每年設有4個入學期,分別為2月、5月、8月及11月,彈性入學,可因應學生情況所需。
學位由英國頂尖大學 University of Warwick 頒發及監管,穩取英國第9名及世界第67名頒發的大學證書
強大學術支援服務,提供 E-Library, Draft Assignment 及 English Checking 等學術支援
學士 (Top Up)
15 個月
HKD $92,000
※ 可申請政府擴展的免入息審查貸款 (ENLS),最長還款期為15年
Contemporary Business Environment
This module aims to develop students’ understanding and awareness of contemporary developments within the international business environment. In doing so, ongoing issues such as European integration, the growth of world trade, and the continued importance of the Far East, North America and Africa in the development of the global economy are all considered in detail. Ultimately, the module will highlight the main opportunities and threats to organisations evident within the current international business environment, and how such organisations may respond strategically to such challenges.
Digital and Social Media Marketing
This module will provide students with the knowledge underpinning the principles of digital marketing, and skills to undertake digital marketing planning. It examines Search Engine optimization, different types of online advertising, email marketing, viral marketing, online PR, affiliate marketing, mobile marketing and social media. The module also encapsulates digital metrics, legislation, regulation and online codes of practice. Students will clearly have the opportunity to gain skills and knowledge to understand and evaluate the fundamental planning concepts of digital marketing as well as develop a sound knowledgebase with regards to key online implementation tactics, measurement and evaluation of successful digital campaigns. Furthermore, the module explores online consumer behavior motivations, in terms of user generated content and how consumer interactions on social media platforms can potentially influence marketing communications and brands.
International Marketing
This module integrates and builds on the Marketing modules studied in Level 5 of the course and complements the international strategic perspective characteristic of the final year programme. The module aims to promote understanding of the complexity of International Marketing as organisations increasingly operate in diverse and less understood environments. Particular emphasis will be placed on identifying the challenges presented by emerging markets, diverse consumer markets and other contemporary issues which have led to the creation of global village and a global market place. The module aims to highlight currant practices in marketing products across the globe and equips students with the skills required to develop global marketing strategies.
This module develops an understanding of the role of leadership in conceptualising, designing and instituting effective change within organisations. By adopting a strategic approach, the module provides students with conceptual frameworks and skills needed to design, implement, and evaluate effective change within organisations operating in various environments. The practical orientation of the module enables students to experience the stages and activities underpinning the strategic change process. The module also includes exposure to key tools, techniques and approaches generally used by leadership and change management professionals.
This module is a key mechanism through which the skills of independent learning, problem solving, analysis, assimilation and communication are developed. The module also affords the student the opportunity of demonstrating knowledge in a particular area of the course and of the ability to apply this to industry context. Students will have explored the process of evaluating, designing and constructing industry-focused research during taught sessions.
由於此課程原屬英國大學 University College Birmingham 的課程之一,於當地亦有開辦相同學士課程。故此,本課程隸屬英國資歷架構的 RQF Level 6 ,屬學士學位級別。學生於香港修讀完後,除了可參加每兩年舉辦一次的在港畢業禮之外,亦可以親身赴英國參加當地畢業禮,感受與當地學生相同的體驗。
University College Birmingham
英國 University College Birmingham (簡稱:UCB) 為一所著重實踐性學習的大學,提供一系列學士及碩士課程。為學生提供優質的課程及全方位學術支援,包括擁有堪稱全英國最好的圖書館之一,並提供廣泛的學習資源,包括電子書,期刊和其他多媒體資源。
根據2021年的National Student Survey的報告,為5所位於Birmingham的大學當中學生滿意度最高的大學
學生對教職員的評價、對課程的看法和價值觀方面,也位列英國大學前 25%
於 2022年獲得 Whatuni Student Choice Awards (WUSCA) 的年度大學及學生選擇獎,對大學於學生支援上的肯定
與英國 University of Warwick 展開新的合作關係
英國大學 University College Birmingham 與英國 University of Birmingham 完成長達25年的合作後,大學宣佈於2022年1月後頒授的大學學位,將由另一間英國羅素集團大學 University of Warwick 頒授學位,英國大學 University of Warwick 相信對香港學生並不陌生,國際知名度相當高,而且大學不論於英國或世界大學排名亦持續高企,兩間大學合作目的為當地年輕人提供更多機會,致力培養學生及發展成為多方面的專才,為學生的未來提供更多就業機會。
• 持相關學科之高級文憑、副學士或相等學歷;或
• 持相關管理層工作經驗之在職人士
※ 所有錄取均由 University College Birmingham 審批及決定,個別申請將視乎情況而定
• IELTS 6.0 或以上;或
• 英語水平測試 Password Test 6.0 或以上 (申請時可免費參加乙次)
請準備以下文件,並電郵至 [email protected] 或傳送至您的專責課程顧問
• 報名費 HKD350
• 相關學歷證明
• 推薦信1封 (僱主/院校)
• 證件相1張
• 現金
• 支票抬頭至 ‘Aston Institute’
• 銀行轉賬至 ‘匯豐銀行:813-086030-001’
• PayPal (只供申請用途)
Assistant Marketing Executive Officer
BA (Hons) Marketing Management (Top Up)
Marketing and Retail Executive
BA (Hons) Marketing Management (Top Up)
當初獲朋友介紹而選讀英國 University College Birmingham 的市場營銷管理(榮譽)學士課程,揀選此課程的最大原因,莫過於是大學的師資質素,揀選此課程前,我也有做資料搜集,對比其他坊間的 Top Up 課程,但有部份課程會加入香港導師,由於我一直有個於海外升學夢,但我已是在職人士,種種原因不能貿然離開香港修讀一個大學課程,於是便揀選這課程,因為這課程的所有導師均由當地大學的大學教授,而且修讀以來,都發覺導師們非常親切,就算是休息時間都與學生打成一片,就算畢業後亦有間中聯絡。另外不得不讚賞大學的學術支援服務因為該小組會為我們的功課提供建議及方向,使我們能在功課繳交的限期前作出修改,爭取更好成績。總括而然,我十分推介這個課程給有志投身市場學的您。
Fiona LI
Senior Social Media Sales Specialist
BA (Hons) Marketing Management (Top Up)
在 Aston Institute 取得高級文憑證書後,任職有關市場營銷全職工作,面對激烈的市場競爭,深刻感受到繼續進修拿取學位的重要性,所以決心繼續進修。我選擇了英國伯明翰大學學院的大學學位課程,由於課程設計以職業導向為主,在課堂學會的知識能直接運用在工作,同時亦可利用工作技能於學業,相輔相承的關係使我無論在學業或職場都得心應手。當畢業時,更早一步已經獲得相關的工作知識和準備了相關的經驗,讓畢業後工作更有信心。對於全職工作的我來說,一年內修讀 5 個學科,而每個學科需連續上課 8 天,看似很難兼顧。幸好 University College Birmingham 的課程安排每個學期上一個科目 (Block Teaching),令學生能夠專注於一個學科的課業上。另外,在課堂開始前一個月預先派發 Study Pack,讓我能夠先行自習。加上豐富的網上資源以及學術支援服務,以及英國大學教授耐心的教導和解答,讓我在學術上的問題能夠迎刃而解,最後以優秀成績畢業。回想一年的學習經歷,我非常欣賞英國大學教授的用心教導,他們著重培養學生的創作思維,鼓勵我們踴躍發問,使課程討論氣氛熱烈。教授亦會抽出課餘時間耐心教導我們並從旁指引。另外值得一提的是同學們之間的學習氣氛相當濃厚,當遇上分工合作的專題演講時,大家都為求爭取好成績而表現積極,使整個過程由分工到演講都非常順利。